I watch the Sun set At a thousand miles per hour As I ride this Surface Sitting Still So gentle… It falls on different Waters Of the distant horizon Every single day As the angle Of the Earth To the Sun Changes Slowly… Around 67,000 Miles every Hour Or...
A miracle A mystery Just slipping through my History I let her go And Bless it Be Why was she here Inside of me? To know the tearing force of Love When one is willing to sacrifice Their innocence and common sense Letting ignorance suffice? Time’s a teacher She’s a...
Its not so simple, anymore And yet it is, but in a sort of Satorical Simplicity The kind that strikes you Moments after deep thought When you’re sure you don’t know The Answer… I remember learning Magic Finding the mind has tools That weave space and time… When the...
Just Listening In Where do we begin These stories must be told Before we grow old Remembering Re-Membering Why do we open up our eyes Just to forget what lies behind We enter this dance Without the steps Finding each other As some foreign other What of the time we...
Why do we fall? Maybe we’ve stood too long And miss the Heart Of Rebirth … Nut Brown Ale lingers on my tongue After a day…glorious and deafeningly quiet Somewhere in the lines between work Lethargy…and Peace When you spend every day...
Open up, you are the Earth You are the Trees and all their worth You are the Atoms’ pulsing core You are the Cells’ centers and more Open out, you are the Moon You are the Emotional lagoon You are the Electric spinning wheels You are the Fluids that you...