Cast a circle around your area of focus.

Envision a 15 point vibrational spectral field (15-VSF) filling this circle, using one of the methods described in “Creating a Vibrational Spectral Field” The 15-VSF is composed of three embedded 5-VSF, or three spectral pentagrams.

Next, cast a second concentric circle, just outside the first one you cast so that the 15-VSF and its circle is contained within this second circle. Envision an 18 point vibrational spectral field (18-VSF) filling this circle (don’t worry if you can’t keep your attention on the 15-VSF, just keep the inner circle boundary in your awareness). In a high-energy state, your Third-Eye Chakra can be extended to automatically generate this field, but remember that the state of your Chakra (healthy, imbalanced, congested, brilliant) will be replicated in the state of this larger field!

Then cast a third concentric circle, just outside the second one you cast so that the 15-VSF circle and 18-VSF circle are contained within this third circle. Envision a 21 point vibrational spectral field (21-VSF) filling this circle, extending through the two inner circles to the new outer circle boundary. In a high-energy state, your Crown Chakra can be extended to automatically generate this field.

Each of these field layers can now be used to specifically adjust properties of your energetic interaction state.

The internal 15-VSF will regulate your physical state, and most internal properties of your field. If you need to change any properties of the field affecting your senses (temperature, gravity, time-perception rate, hydration, etc.), this is the circle to focus on for making adjustments.

The center 18-VSF is the neutralization circle, establishing a zero-point state in alignment with the vector equilibrium of the space-time fabric itself (see Physics section of the Projects page for more information). This field will regulate input and output of all spectral energies, while transmitting emotional awareness in whatever direction you choose (bidirectional, inward, outward, neutral).

The outer circle 21-VSF is the external state adjustment field, which can be directed to project whatever mental constructs you craft into any area outside your field circles. The white light points in this VSF act as “command points” affecting all other colors in this outer field through your positioning and adjustment of them. This field can also absorb external properties (such as background energies to induce cloaking, invisibility etc), or provide translation for telepathic communications or other light-language transmissions.

For more details on each of these field types and properties, see the reference sections, and other magical application areas.

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