by Adam Apollo | Jan 13, 2006

When the night enfolded in darkness
And the Stars gave birth to Light
Luna’s Sacred Crescent called
And the road that went on forever
Was left behind for a Spell

I turned across unknown lands
Deepening into black valleys
Where the wind does not sing
But the quiet calls a storm

I sensed it looming like a change
A sillouette against constellations
Growing larger and darkening
An Ancient Warrior slipping closer
Or motionless at my approach

From the Earth it rose
A heart quickening Tower
Wrapped with roads
Leading me around its foothills

I came to a space
Where the road went no further
So I left my steed behind
And stepped lightly into the land
Cursed by the White Men

Its Presence took my Breath
Cloaked in Bitter Cold
My feet carried me forth
Past the tears of my Will

Into a field of razor Stones
Larger than Mammoths
Yet only dust to this Grandfather
Who I knelt before on a high ledge
To honor in the Ancient Ways

Here we once Knew the Sacred
Making our offerings of Leaf
Prayer and Blessings
For all Our People

Here I Knew the Sacred
Made my offerings of Leaf
Prayer and Blessings
For all the People
And Spirits of Life

The Grandfather called out
In roaring winds of Fate
And I followed his cry
Beginning to scale the Rocks

Through an Endless Labyrinth
I followed the path of no Man
In one moment climbing sheer
In another leaping chasms
Until I reached a ring of Trees

These were the Guardians
Of this Imperial Rock
Each offering whispers
And Aid in my Passing

Further up I climbed
Until there was no more slope
And the Last Tree
Tied with Prayer Flags
Lent me an arm to the Last Ledge

From here was a vertical Wall
Cliffs of Insanity reaching into the Sky
From here the land was clear for miles
All Directions laying out to this Teacher

I placed my soft hand
On the Heart of Devil’s Tower
And I heard the Spirits Singing
Of an Endless Love
For All the Lands

The only Devils known here
Are those who disrespect the Sacred
And fail to recognize the Warmth
In the Heartbeat of the Mountain



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