On Friday March 20th, we celebrated the beginning of the Spring Equinox, as well as a New Moon, & Solar Eclipse!

A total solar eclipse was visible from Norway and the the Faeroe Islands, while a partial eclipse was visible across many parts of Europe, Northern Africa, and Northern Asia. This solar eclipse took place in Pisces, just before the transition of the Sun into Aries hours later. 

This is a time for new beginnings in a serious way. A solar eclipse is like the Eye of the Dragon, a single point of clarity in a storm of changes. It reminds us how perfectly positioned we are in the Universe, and the incredible synchronicity between the scale of our Moon, and the distance our little planet is from the Sun. From the mysterious spiritual depths of Pisces, we cross through the Equinox gates, transitioning the collective energy of the Nightforce (longer nights) to the individual strength of the Dayforce (longer days), and enter Aries, whose energy this year is birthing, driving, and trailblazing forward into a new world.

Before I fell asleep on Thursday night, the Beatles song “Let It Be” played in my head over and over again. Reflect on the words of this song again now, and consider how they might relate to this transition point for humanity.

Today, Sunday March 22nd, we will catalyze this rebirth through an honoring of emotion, of love, and Water. When I cocreated UNIFY back in 2012 with Adil Kassam & Patrick Kronfli, I saw that to make the changes necessary in the world now, we needed to not only become aware of each other and ourselves, but we needed to Synchronize. I had been leading “Global Telepathic Conjunctions” with my Jedi students for a couple years, and it was time to take it to the next level.

Today I’ll be reintroducing the concept of a Global Telepathic Conjunction, and leading a training on leveraging the power of water and synchronization to work huge magic in the world and create the changes we really want to see.

Yet first, I’ll be joining Sonya Sophia as a panelist for her World Tapping Circle event. We’re going to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to clear our channels and get ready for the huge energies we are going to build together on Sunday for World Water Day. Special guests include Gary Craig the founder of EFT, David Nicol cofounder of the Gaiafield Project, and others. 

The event is totally free and if you haven’t experienced the magic of EFT, I can tell you it is powerful and life-changing.

World Tapping Circle: Loving the Water We Are

Sunday March 22nd at 9:30am PST

Click here to Register and Join: Loving the Water We Are, World Tapping Circle


Then at noon, I’ll be opening up the UNIFY PreTelesummit Training for free in the Guardian Aliiance Academy. With Alexander Fairman and David Beaudry, we’ll be exploring the true nature of water and how to link up with the planetary noosphere to do huge magic.

Guardian Alliance Special LIVE Session

Sunday March 22nd at 12:00pm PST

Click here to Join the UNIFY Pre-Telesummit Training for World Water Day


After that, the UNIFY Telesummit is on! The #LoveWater TeleSummit hosted by the Shift Network features Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Michael Beckwith, John Robbins, Ta’Kaiya Blaney and others! It’s going to be a fantastic session. 

UNIFY & Shift Network Telesummit

Sunday March 22nd at 1:00pm PST

Click here to Register or Watch the Telesummit at UNIFY.org


Finally, wherever you are, join us in synchronizing with our LOVE for water and intentions for the world at 6:00pm PST.

UNIFY Global Synchronization Moment

Sunday March 22nd at 6:00pm PST

Click here to track the countdown and UNIFY

Here’s some international time zones so you can be sure to tune in:

Sidney 12:00pm, Auckland 2:00pm, Hawaii 4:00pm, New York 9:00pm,
March 23rd: London 1:00am, Paris 2:00am, Tel Aviv 3:00am, Delhi 7:00am


Thank you for supporting UNIFY, the Guardian Alliance and our community initiatives. It is a time of great change, and each of us can make a huge difference in how the world will look in the future. Thank you for your dedication and presence!

Highest Regards,
Adam Apollo


The Map image at the top is the actual Event Map for today’s World Water Day events registered on UNIFY.org

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